Hospital Management System is the most cheapest and easy medical and clinic management system for keeping patient records and Hospital activities.

Modules & Features
Hospital management system is an online patient management and Appointment, Scheduler application software for getting an appointment very easily over the internet. This Hospital management system application can take online patient appointment and patient can take doctor schedule from anywhere in the world
Hospital management system:
Hospital management software is an online based open source or cloud server integrated software that simplifies managing the functioning of the hospital or any medication. This software can simplify in creating the total functioning paperless. It integrates all the data relating to patients, doctors, staff, hospital body details etc. under one system. It’s sectioned for numerous professionals that compose a hospital.
Bdtask is offering the hospital management system designed to manage all aspects of hospital operations. This customizable hospital documentation system is associated with health care which incorporates OPD and IPD Management, Pharmacy, Laboratory, Bed Management, Mobile Application, Appointments system, Secure electronic messaging, Doctor Portal, Patient and Family Portals, Medical Electronic request, Accounting, HR/Payroll. This customizable alert system sends the text or email and improves the standard of patient care.
EMR Systems helps to remember of revenue stream, patient records and alternative key metrics at your finger ends. Electronic health record permits electronic sharing of patient records with alternative suppliers and medical applications and manage the health of patients like Patient and suppliers will see science lab results and history online, firmly chat with suppliers, schedule next appointment etc.
Our product feature
Making delay to take the right decision is an evil decision. So, don’t wait to get the ultimate Hospital Management System. We are provided the best one contrast to the value we receive from you:

Superpower administrative module:
Superpower administrative module provides you an ultimate system of management. As an administrator, you can create accounts, specify & offer Doctor’s, Nurse, Pharmacists, accountant, laboratorian, receptionist, representative, case managers their responsibilities separately. In this system, no one can access to others account but admin can access all accounts
Administrative module make you 100% guaranteed to preserve your data & maintain secrecy of your activities
OPD Management:
A complete OPD management system has integrated with our hospital management project. We ensure you all kinds of automation system for proper OPD management, such as patient appointment, doctor scheduling, Billing etc. We have include with this system:-
Scheduling System
Appointment management system
Prescription management system
OPD Billing

IPD Management:
Our hospital management system allows you to manage IPD function efficiently recording all important data in a single platform. You get the system for patient registration under a unique ID no. Patient details admission date, name, doctor’s name, bed information, consultant, surgeon, OT, Lab billing, payment details everything automatically being recorded under that ID no.You are getting following option for best IPD management
Patient registration
Bed management
Investigation Report
Patient file management
Pharmacy, OT, Lab Billing Integration
Discharge management
Hospital activity management:
We have designed hospital activities menu for all activities of a hospital. You will get death & birth report, operation report, lab investigation report, Create medicine category, Add new medicine & total activities management opportunity in this module.We have include with this system:-
Representative Data reservation
Patient case study
Easy Invoicing
Reporting system

Doctors, Nurse, Employee Management-(HRM)
As a service provider agency hospital are largely depends on its service providers. Human resource management is the critical task for hospital manager. We manage your workforce through an organized human resource management system. You can create particular id of your every employee based on their detail, get & provide information about their task at any time & ensure the best management.
Doctor management system
Nurse management
Labratorian Profile management
Other’s employee profile management
Lab & Pharmacy management system:
While the test is set-aside at reception request or prescribed by the doctors is send to laboratory automatically. The laboratorian will feed the result later and prints engaging reports. Besides we ensure the pharmacy management system.
Laboratory management
Pharmacy management

Hospital Information System:
Hospital information system emphasis on the administrational need of a hospital. We have the programme to make together all three important management level: Government Level, Territory Level, and Patient Carrying Level & ensure the information flow among them through SMS, messaging & Emailing system.
Insurance Billing Integration:
Patient insurance billing system integration makes your hospital service friendly & trustworthy to your service recipient. Manage insurance maintaining Insurance policy name, Insurance description billing, status etc.

User Role
Admin, Doctor, Accountant, Laboratorist, Nurse, Pharmacist, Receptionist, Representative, Case Manager, Patient.
Admin Panel Features
Add Department System
Department List System
Add Appointment
Appointment List
Assign by All
Assign by Doctor
Assign by Representative
Assign to Doctor
Hospital Activities
Add Birth Report
Birth Report
Add Death Report
Death Report
Add Operation Report
Operation Report
Add Investigation Report
Investigation Report
Add Medicine Category
Medicine Category List
Add Medicine
Medicine List
App Setting
Language Setting
Add Doctor
Doctor List
Account Manager
Add Account
Account List
Add Invoice
Invoice List
Add Payment System
Payment List
Debit Report
Credit Report
Bed Manager
Add Bed
Bed List
Bed Assign
Bed Assign List
Gateway Setting
SMS Template
SMS Schedule
Send Custom SMS
Custom SMS List
Auto SMS Report
User SMS List
Add Patient
Patient List
Add Document
Document List
Add Patient Case Study
Patient Case Study List
Prescription List
Human Resources
Add Employee
Accountant List
Laboratories List
Nures List
Pharmacist List
Receptionist List
Representative List
Case Manager List
New Message
Send Mail
Mail Setting
Add Schedule
Schedule List
Add Insurance
Insurance List
Add Limit Approval
Limit Approval List
Add Service
Service List
Add Package
Package List
Add Patient Admission
Patient Admission List
Add Advance Payment
Advance Payment List
Add Bill
Bill List
Add Notice
Notice List
Case Manager
Add Patient
Patient List
Doctor Panel Features
Doctor List
Add Patient
Patient List
Add Document
Document List
Add Schedule
Schedule List
Add Patient Case Study
Patient Case Study List
Add Prescription
Prescription List
Bed Manager
Bed Assign
Bed Assign List
Case Manager
New Message
Send Mail
Send SMS
SMS List
Hospital Activities
Add Birth Report
Birth Report
Add Death Report
Death Report
Add Operation Report
Operation Report
Investigation Report
Add Appointment
Appointment List
Assign by Me
Assign to Me
Accountant Panel Features
Account Manager
Add Account
Account List
Add Invoice
Invoice List
Add Payment System
Payment List
Debit Report
Credit Report
Patient List & Information
New Message
Send Mail
Laboratory Panel Features
Hospital Activities
Add Investigation Report
Investigation Report
New Message
Send Mail
Send SMS
SMS List
Nurse Panel Features
Bed Manager
Bed List
Bed Assign List
New Message
Send SMS
SMS List
Send Mail
Note : If You Need any Customization Our System we can Provide You
Price : Contact for Mail